Can't make it on Saturday morning? Looking for other opportunities to connect with fellow believers? Join us at any of these upcoming events!
Sun Feb 09 at 7:30am
Pray for the Holy Spirit
<br /><br />Join us in person or by video conference using Teams.<br /> <span>Microsoft Teams meetin
Join us in person or by video conference using Teams.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 280 005 699 34
Passcode: QfPKwN
Download Teams | Join on the web
Sanctuary- basement foyer
Sun Feb 09 at 9:00am
Senior Breakfast at TBD
Location of Restaurant changes each week
Location of Restaurant changes each week
Mon Feb 10 at 8:30pm
Worship Programming Mtg. -ONLINE
More info coming soon...
Wed Feb 12 at 5:30pm
Elder's Mtg.
Special Agenda Items
Revival Meetings- Elder lead out each night,
Regular Agenda Items:
Special Agenda Items
Revival Meetings- Elder lead out each night,
Regular Agenda Items:
Minister of the month
Remind of meeting before worship
Promote our Mission statement: Connecting with Jesus and others. Building a lifestyle of love, commitment, and service. 1. Spend time with God, 2. Committed to the church family, 3. Serving the community.
Incorporate scripture and a message to the worship.- Use scripture allusion to songs being used.
Update on Parrish work
Wed Feb 12 at 6:30pm
Mid Week Bible Study
Meetings are on video conference only.
Meetings are on video conference only.